The Vaccine Safety Prospectus


“So, they are saying that some people, ethically, can be sacrificed for the greater good. But what they never bothered to find out, even if you accept that as a moral rationale, was how many were being sacrificed. 500? 5,000? 500,000? How many are being sacrificed?”

- Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder & president of the
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) 

Everyone has heard the claim that vaccines are “safe and effective” but what few people realize is that while it is true that vaccines work and do save lives, the science behind the current U.S. vaccine schedule is almost non-existent and that a significant number of people, mostly children, have been and will continue to be harmed by the very thing that is supposed to keep them healthy. Most of us, including parents and physicians, naively assume that vaccines and vaccination schedules have been through a process of extensive safety testing that has been:

  • Conducted over a long term

  • Tested on a large study group

  • Tested against an inert placebo in a randomized double-blind study

  • Tested both alone and in combination with other vaccines

And you’ve most likely assumed that all of this would have been done before being recommended – and in a growing number of states, mandated – to be used on millions of American children. You may be surprised or even shocked to learn that none of this has actually been done.

The problem is that without impartial scientific research we have no idea why some children respond so poorly to vaccination — yet it is absolutely clear that many do. There are theories as to why this is, including overloading the immature immune systems of children, the toxicity of ingredients used in vaccines, and allergic reactions or genetic predisposition. But to be clear, we have no definitive answer to what’s going on because the science has not been done.

What we do know is that there is a problem. A real, serious problem. We can no longer pretend that the science is settled, and that vaccines are always safe and effective. We ask that you spend a little time reading the information in this prospectus, take an unbiased look at the current state of vaccine science and safety in our country, and finally, consider supporting the creation of an independent vaccine safety commission that would oversee our country’s vaccine recommendations and policies.

The pejorative “anti-vaxx” label is applied to anyone who questions current vaccine policy and implies that they are uninformed and anti-science, and that they believe that nobody should ever get any vaccine. This is simply not the case.  The vast majority of people who do not vaccinate are parents of vaccine-injured children. Due to the serious nature of this issue, parents do not come to the decision without doing extensive research.

We are advocates for vaccine safety and champions for informed consent.

We urge you to consider the following:

  1. Vaccine injury is real. It is more common than people realize and the injuries can be severe.

  2. Safety studies regarding vaccines are woefully inadequate.

  3. Many rigorous, peer-reviewed studies support the link between vaccines and neuro-developmental disorders and other chronic illnesses.

  4. Dissenting voices, even in our regulatory agencies, have been sidelined.

  5. First-hand accounts of vaccine injury can no longer be dismissed.

We ask that you spend a little time reading the information in the prospectus, take an unbiased look at the current state of vaccine science and safety in our country, and finally, consider supporting the creation of an independent vaccine safety commission that would oversee our country’s vaccine recommendations and policies.


The Snapshot

For a quick, two page overview of “The Case for Vaccine Safety in the United States - A Prospectus” this is what you need to read. This is designed as an easy to print briefing to use as a handout for getting the conversation going in person; in Internet speak it’s the “tl;dr” version (“too long; didn’t read”).

Click here to download "The Vaccine Safety Snapshot"

The Summary

Want to email “The Case for Vaccine Safety in the United States - A Prospectus” to a friend but don’t want to overwhelm them before getting them interested? Longer than the snapshot but, at eight pages, shorter and more easily digested than the full version; “The Vaccine Safety Summary” is the document you need.

Click here to download the full page format of the "The Vaccine Safety Summary" (best for printing at home)

Click here to download the mini booklet PDF (to send to a professional print service)

The Full Prospectus

This is the full version of “The Case for Vaccine Safety in the United States - A Prospectus”, all 49 pages of it which includes a short version, a long version, and a further reading and resources section.

Click here to download "The Full Vaccine Safety Prospectus"

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